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embedded withの例文


  • embedded with thousands of tiny different sizes
  • recently , some tickets are embedded with ic chips .
  • they're embedded with mechanical electrical devices , sensors .
  • but it was embedded with malware .
    その中にはマルウェアが 仕組まれていて
  • that is embedded with mushroom spores .
  • but those pieces you wrote when you were embedded with the 1st division were ...
  • i was embedded with le milieu .
  • the anomalous phone belongs to a samaritan agent who's embedded with control's operatives .
    例外の電話は サマリア人の工作員が所有してる その人はコントロールの スパイに同行してる
  • the pond is shallow and a boundary line between a pond and the land curves in a complicated manner , and the bottom of the pond is embedded with round stones and large stones are arranged around the edge of the pond , which suggests the gardening technique of the nara period and the garden of the tim , when it was produced .
  • it consists of , from inside to outside , kosode (a kimono with short sleeves worn as underclothing ), oguchi bakama (wide-bottomed skirted trousers ), hitoe (an unlined kimono ), ue no hakama (over trousers ), shitagasane (train-robe ), kyo (a train of shitagasane ), hoeki no ho (the top layer of men ' s formal court attire ), and sekitai (a black leather belt the back of which was embedded with gemstones ).